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Ladies Interest Groups in Walden

Ladies Interest Groups in Walden


22 Members
Please contact Mary Wilson if interested in this group. Chair: Mary Wilson 713-303-7499
Coordinator: Mary Wilson

Silver Bells

21 Members
RSVP includes potluck lunch and various games, meets 1st Tuesday, Walden Church FLC, 11:30-2 Chair: Gaby Tryon 936-448-1342
Coordinator: Gabriele Tryon


18 Members
2nd Thursday at Yacht Club-12:30 p.m. RSVP to: Chair- Sheryl Triggs 936-647-0585 or 214-478-1054 (cell)
Coordinator: Sheryl Triggs
46 Members
2nd Wednesday of the month at Yacht Club. (Upstairs meal @ 5:00 Optional) Bunco 6 p.m. Chair: Jan Jessen 936-443-5672
Coordinator: Jan Jessen
21 Members
We need participants to continue this game. Please contract Faye if you are interested. Chair: Faye Dillon 936-524-4955
Coordinator: Faye Dillon
13 Members
Tuesday to learn American Mah Jongg, play Siamese & Marvelous Mah Jongg at Yacht Club 1:00 - 4:00 p.m. Wednesday play American Mah Jongg at Yacht Club, 1:00 - 4:00 p.m. Chair: Ginger Stocker 713-299-9422
Coordinator: Ginger Stocker
7 Members
1st, 3rd and 5th Mondays at Yacht Club, 12:30 p.m. Chair: Pam Dieterich 817-688-0830 and Jean Smith 713-256-4105
Coordinator: Pam Dieterich
7 Members
Mondays at Yacht Club, 12:30 p.m. Chair: Lee Vanderpool 936-582-6628 and Sandy Wooley 936-448-7115
8 Members
Thursday at Yacht Club, 12:30 p.m. Chair: Glenna Sullivan 678-925-4929
Coordinator: Glenna Sullivan
28 Members
Meets 1st Wednesday at Yacht Club, 1:00 - 3:00 p.m. Happy hour following at BWG. Chairs Amy Ross 972-977-8285 and Jo Estes 713-992-6195
Coordinator: Amy Ross